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Web-based Mail Services

provided by the Informatics and New Technologies Group

These are the available mail services hosted at domain and are accessible via the web.
These services are maintained and administered by the Informatics and New Technologies Group

Web Mail  ( )

This service provides to registered bioacademy users web access to their mailboxes.
Users can read and send e-mails from their account by using the web interface. Access to the web interface requires authentication.

Please read the Web Mail Guidelines before using this service.

Web Mailing Lists   ( )

This service provides web-based management and viewing of some of the mailing lists that are currently hosted in domain.
It allows the members of a list to configure their account options and also provides web access to a list's archived messages.
Access to the web archives is restricted to list members only for most of the lists and authentication is required before viewing the archived messages.

Please read the Mailing Lists Guidelines before using this service.

Any questions, suggestions or complaints regarding these services should be addressed to informatics<at>